Play | Eat | Craft | Love
A little bit of inspiration on playful living and learning at home, and a touch of our favourite things from eating, DIY, sustainable living, plus the products we love!
Educator | Mum | Creative
Hi!!! I’m Kristy, an Aussie teacher turned mumma. A Masters qualified (primary-secondary) teacher, with training and extensive experience in early-childhood education, I always felt so insanely lucky to have this knowledge and experience with raising my kids…because #mumlife is tough as it is!
Hoping to inspire others (namely my husband!) with our playful life, I started an Insta page @today.our.children… and here I am today, embracing the World Wide Web and giving you even more insight into everything that is my own personal learning journey as an educator and now a mumma! I'm a bit of a creative soul, and although not overly talented, I sure do love to whip up DIY toys for my littles.
If you follow along on our Instagram page @today.our.children you may have seen our journey evolve from a bit of daily play-based learning inspiration to a more wholesome share of the things we do and love:
Eco-friendly Living (*trying our best)
My biggest tidbits of advice as a teacher to parents is to simply enjoy your children, share your passions with them, try new experiences together, use everyday life as learning opportunities (point out the colour of traffic lights, play games with car license plates, count how many apples you put into the basket at the supermarket, watch the leaves dancing in a breeze)…..
READ and TALK to your babes- with them, alongside them! If you can help foster a love for reading and rich language experiences, you are giving your little people the key to unlimited possibilities in life!
Soooo you can expect to share in a beautiful mix of all our favourite things in life, plus a bit more of an UNFILTERED perspective on how I experience #mumlife…