The richest form of learning is often the most incidental things you don’t plan for.
Children don’t need fancy activities or play hacks, they just need you to be by their side at times, supporting how they experience the world. And sometimes you don’t need to consciously do anything at all, their big curious eyes will be watching and learning from your everyday actions and phrases!
Here are just a few examples of what you can point out in everyday experiences for children:
Getting outdoors:
Point and describe the leaves blowing in the wind, the flowers, the birds, the cars.
Explore backyards and talk about life cycles of plants and insects
Allow children to get elbow deep in mud and leaves (sensory play)
Give children responsibility in helping care for gardens and plants
Name all the different fruits and vegetables
Talk about how you prepare food “chopping, slicing, mixing”
Include them in some baking fun (sensory play; maths and measurements; literacy and reading recipes)
Count how many apples you put into the basket
Spot and name all the different colours
See what letters or words are recognised on products
Spot number plates or colours of cars
Traffic light colours
People in our community
Visit zoos and museums, nature parks
But really, the best things you can do for your children is TALK to and with them, using RICH VOCABULARY. READ to and with your children, help foster a passion and love for reading.